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Now Out: Essay 2030 on 袖 (sleeve), a Radical Note, 28 Revisions, and 5 New-Monics
Feb 11, 2022
The 432nd essay has posted! Essay 2030 on 袖 (sleeve; extension) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Also, Radical Note 33 on the “samurai" radical 士 has posted. Discover several mysteries swirling around 士 (494: military man; samurai) and what body part that shape might represent. Also see photos showing how the Japanese use that kanji most.
Furthermore, 28 essay revisions have posted:
- essay 1132 on 輝 (to shine; brilliant)
- essay 1156 on 虚 (void, vacant; false, falsehood; futile)
- essay 1163 on 況 (condition, situation)
- essay 1178 on 琴 (Japanese zither; stringed instrument; Western instrument)
- essay 1185 on 偶 (by chance; spouse; even number; idol)
- essay 1207 on 迎 (to welcome, meet, greet; send for)
- essay 1226 on 幻 (phantom; illusion; fantasy)
- essay 1233 on 誇 (to be proud; brag; exaggerate)
- essay 1261 on 絞 (to strangle; wring)
- essay 1280 on 魂 (soul, spirit)
- essay 1281 on 墾 (cultivating land)
- essay 1284 on 唆 (to influence)
- essay 1288 on 宰 (to be in charge)
- essay 1552 on 沢 (marsh; plentiful)
- essay 1641 on 到 (to arrive; attain; reach; extreme; prevail)
- essay 1643 on 倒 (to topple; fall; collapse; turn upside down)
- essay 1652 on 搭 (boarding; loading (vehicle))
- essay 1779 on 弊 (harmful influence; worn out; humble prefix)
- essay 1784 on 捕 (to catch; grasp; seize; capture; arrest)
- essay 1792 on 邦 (country; Japanese, Japan)
- essay 1798 on 倣 (to imitate)
- essay 1806 on 忙 (busy, occupied; restless)
- essay 1846 on 娘 (daughter; young woman; girl)
- essay 1982 on 玩 (to play with; trifle with; fiddle with; take pleasure in; make fun of; relish; cherish)
- essay 2048 on 箋 (piece of paper, tag)
- essay 2051 on 遡 (going upstream; retracing the past)
- essay 2090 on 虹 (rainbow)
- essay 2107 on 蔑 (contempt, disdain, scorning; despising; ignoring)
For details, see the links. If you've bought these essays before or if you have a subscription, you can download new versions for free.
Finally, Ulrike created the following new-monics:
診 (1440: to examine (medically))
寝 (1441: sleep)
盛 (1476: thriving)
婿 (1477: husband)
請 (1479: request)